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    Certified Hand Therapist—The Recognized Specialist in Hand Therapy

    The Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) credential designates excellence in the field of hand therapy. For over three decades, it has been recognized as a benchmark for excellence in advanced specialty credentialing in health care. Hand therapy certification is voluntary and difficult to attain. It involves meeting rigorous standards, developing a long-range career path, and acquiring the advanced study and training required to pass the certification examination and earn the CHT credential.

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    Value of Certification

    A high-quality certification program, such as HTCC’s program, validates an individual’s knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a particular job. Successfully passing a certification exam, represents a declaration of a particular individual’s professional competence. Certified individuals in the workforce reduce risk and enhance consumer protection and public safety. Additionally, certifications allow employers and other stakeholders to identify individuals with the competencies needed to perform a role or task.

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    Who is a CHT?

    CHTs are therapists who demonstrate a personal dedication to the profession of hand therapy and a desire for advanced competency. They bring to their work a commitment and dedication to reach and maintain the highest standards in the profession. CHTs are certified or licensed occupational therapists or physical therapists who, through advanced education, clinical experience, and independent study, have become proficient in the treatment of pathological upper limb conditions resulting from trauma, disease, or congenital or acquired deformity. A CHT has a minimum of three years of clinical experience, including 4,000 hours or more in direct practice in hand therapy, and has successfully passed a comprehensive test of advanced clinical skills and theory in upper limb rehabilitation. Because of changes in the profession, every CHT is required to demonstrate continued professional development and competency by recertifying every five years.

Benefits of Working with a CHT

People value the use of their hands and any loss of function through injury or disease may have a devastating effect on their lives. In addition to the patient, it is in everyone’s interest that the very best treatment is employed to assure maximal recovery.

  • Accurate assessments, immediate care and effective treatment reducing overall treatment time
  • A continuum of care eliminating the need for multiple medical providers
  • Faster recovery resulting in decreased medical costs
  • Improved functional outcomes ensuring a faster return to work and productive lifestyle

  • Objective, independent, third-party evaluation and assessment of professional competence
  • Commitment to public safety and consumer protection
  • Accountability through ethical conduct standards and a disciplinary process
  • Assurance that a therapist has achieved the highest level of competency in the profession and stays up to date with practice within the field
  • Recertification requirements for continued or enhanced competence
  • Assurance to the medical community that the therapist is knowledgeable about advanced surgical techniques and postoperative therapy

  • Qualified individuals for employment or advancement
  • Recertification requirements for continued or enhanced competence
  • Commitment to public safety and consumer protection
  • Reduced risk of errors, accidents, and legal liability
  • Reduced employee turnover and increased job satisfaction
  • Justification for potential compensation differential

There are 7,322 CHTs worldwide.


Occupational Therapists = 87%
Physical Therapists = 12 %
CHTs who are both OT & PT = 1%

How can I find a Certified Hand Therapist?