National Commission for the
Certification of Crane Operators
Committed to Quality, Integrity, and Fairness in Testing since 1995


Frequently Asked Questions

Requirements & Procedures

What is required for CCO certification?

To be certified by NCCCO, candidates must demonstrate skills and knowledge that subject matter experts have deemed necessary for safe performance. Certifications are achieved through a written examination and usually a practical exam. Candidates must also agree to abide by CCO’s Code of Ethics and Substance Abuse Policy.

Do operators of service trucks need to be certified?

The issue of whether certification is required is a question for the employer. Note, however, that the B30.5 mobile crane standard covers all mobile telescopic cranes above one ton capacity. Further, OSHA requires all operators of equipment be trained in their safe use. CCO certification can serve as an effective, legally-defensible verification that training received was effective.

What are the requirements for a professional to be “grandfathered”?

NCCCO examinations are tests of knowledge and skills, not experience. Experience can be good or bad, relevant or irrelevant, general or specific, and so therefore should not be used by itself as an indication of proficiency. Therefore, NCCCO does not “grandfather” any candidates.

How long is the certification period?

CCO certification is issued for five-year periods. As a courtesy, a reminder of the need to recertify is sent to certificants approximately one year prior to their certification’s expiration date. If additional certifications are obtained during the five-year period, they will share the same certification cycle and expiration date.

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