- The following is a summary of the conduct that may lead to disciplinary action by
HTCC and of the procedure for addressing possible noncompliance. For a comprehensive
explanation of the standards of conduct and review procedures, please read the full
text of the
HTCC Disciplinary Policy.
- Grounds for disciplinary action include (but are not limited to) to:
- Cheating, copying exam materials, and other misconduct during an HTCC examination;
- Providing fraudulent or misleading information to HTCC;
- Ineligibility for certification, regardless of when the ineligibility is discovered;
- An irregular event in connection with an examination;
- Unauthorized possession or misuse of HTCC’s credentials, examinations, and other intellectual property;
- Misrepresentation of certification status;
F. Failure to provide requested information in a timely manner;
- Failure to inform HTCC of changes or adverse actions;
- Gross negligence or willful misconduct in professional work;
- Failure to maintain a current professional credential as required by the jurisdiction in which the individual practices
(this may be a license, certificate, or registration);
- The conviction of a felony or misdemeanor;
- Disciplinary action,sanction or pending action by a licensing board or professional organization other than HTCC; and
- Other failure to maintain continuous compliance with HTCC’s rules, policies, and procedures.
- You must notify HTCC of any inquiry, indictment, or charge against you relating
to public health or hand therapy, or relating to any other matter listed in the
Disciplinary Policy as potential grounds for disciplinary action. Candidates and
certificants must report events such as suspension, revocation, or expiration of
a state license to practice, being sued by a patient, or being investigated or reprimanded
by a state regulatory board. Notification must be made within ninety (90) days.
- HTCC may deny, revoke, suspend, reprimand, or refuse to renew certification for
a violation of the Disciplinary Policy:
- Complaints and allegations of potential noncompliance are reviewed by the Disciplinary
Review Committee. If an investigation confirms that misconduct may have occurred,
a statement with detailed information about the matter and the hearing process will
be sent to you, and you may request a review or hearing before the Disciplinary
Hearing Committee. If a sanction is imposed by the Disciplinary Hearing Committee,
that decision may be appealed to the HTCC Board of Directors. The decision of the
Board of Directors is final. This review and appeal process is available if a sanction
has been imposed against you for violation of the Disciplinary Policy. You may
not appeal failure of the exam.