National Commission for the
Certification of Crane Operators
Committed to Quality, Integrity, and Fairness in Testing since 1995


Power Line Safety Card Is Handy Reference

safety-card-300xJune 2014—NCCCO is making available Power Line Safety cards to help operators understand and apply federal OSHA’s new guidelines for operating cranes around power lines. The cards, issued in conjunction with the Florida Crane Safety Alliance, also provide references for best practices based on both consensus standard ANSI B30.5 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC.

“Studies show that electrocution from contact with power lines account for a large percentage, if not the majority, of crane-related fatalities,” said NCCCO Executive Director Graham Brent. “While OSHA’s new crane rule provides comprehensive guidance for operating cranes near power lines, applying the new rules can be challenging. NCCCO is distributing these power line safety cards as a handy reference for operators, lift directors, and others responsible for job site safety.”

One side of the cards covers numerous items to check before starting to lift, including knowing the load, crane configuration and set up, boom configuration, radius of load, proper rigging, environmental concerns, external obstacles to consider, communication with riggers, and qualified lifting personnel. To better implement best practices, these items are cross-referenced by role, indicating which apply to lift directors, crane operators, riggers, signal persons, oilers/trainees, and management/supervision.

A flowchart on the reverse of the card helps users navigate the rules for working around power lines detailed in 29 CFR 1926.1408. The flowchart starts with “Identify Work Zone” and works through an extensive decision tree to determine exactly which precautions are necessary according to the OSHA requirements. Table A from the OSHA rule, “Minimum Clearance Distances,” is also included for easy reference.

NCCCO piloted the cards at CONEXPO’s Lift Safety Zone in March. Due to the popularity of the power line safety demonstrations and the importance of the information on the cards, NCCCO is distributing the reference cards to interested parties for a nominal charge to cover the costs of printing and mailing. Order packs of 10 cards from the CCO Store.