National Commission for the
Certification of Crane Operators
Committed to Quality, Integrity, and Fairness in Testing since 1995




CCO Continues to Improve Paper/Pencil Test Applications

November 2021—After receiving an overwhelming positive response to adding the capability to process multiple applicants in a single batch for online practical test applications, CCO has now made the batch processing system available for paper/pencil test (PPT) applications.

With this system test site coordinators or other designated persons can submit a batch of applications, entering each candidate’s information and selecting whichever exam(s) they will be taking. All exams in a batch must be for the same exam administration (location and date). The designated person can then submit all the applications at one time, providing payment for all the candidates in the batch. Candidates are then emailed the exam administration details and authorization to test.

This is one of the many improvements and efficiencies CCO has made this year to application processes, including moving all application submissions online, creating batch application processes, and adding a look-up feature to all applications to automatically complete contact information for candidates who have previously tested.

Stakeholders can expect to see continued efficiencies and improvements to CCO’s processes and procedures in the coming year.