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Lift and Move USA in High Gear

Lift+move0216-matte-no datesApril 2019—Lift and Move USA—the industry-led initiative that NCCCO sponsors along with SC&RA, the SC&R Foundation, and KHL to address the skills gap in the crane and rigging industry—is kicking off the year in high gear. Lift and Move will hold two events in May 2019.

The first event is being hosted by Boulter Industrial Contractors in Webster, NY on May 9. The second will be held on May 30, in Ontario, Canada, at The MATCOM Group. Both events will provide the opportunity for high schoolers to rotate through interactive stations and learn about the opportunities, training and certification requirements, earning and travel potential, and “day in the life” of careers in the crane, rigging, and transport industries. Attendees also learn about scholarship and grant funds available. Know someone who may want to attend? Register at

Want to become involved as a sponsor or host a future event? Contact Tracy Bennett at